Last summer, agents received notice from the Folks in DC that "Agent/broker training for the Federally-facilitated Marketplace (FFM) is now available," and were encouraged to sign up for said training in order to sell policies on the Exchange.

Last fall, I finally got around to doing so (there was no particular rush, since the initial Open Enrollment didn't begin until October 1st).

This year, open enrollment begins in November (unless Bob's right, and they move it to to Tax Season).

So, this arrived in email today:

"You successfully completed both Parts I & II of the agent/broker registration process for the 2014 Plan Year in the Federally-facilitated Marketplace (FFM).

Today we are announcing that the FFM registration process for the 2015 Plan Year will start on July 7, 2014!

No idea why they felt that "!" was necessary, unless they think we're really excited at the prospect of more "training" by the rocket surgeons who can't launch or run a website.

My favorite part, though, is this:

"Agents and brokers may access Part I starting on July 7, 2014 ... (Please note that scheduled maintenance of the MLN is currently underway)"

Why am I not surprised: Pre-broken for your (in)convenience.

What a shocker.


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