With insurance Exchanges Marketplaces nearing their grand opening HHS has released another issue brief on the "low rates" people will pay after subsidies. In one of the examples they use a 27 year old in Texas who makes $25,000 per year. This person will pay $145 for the second lowest cost silver plan or $83 for the bronze plan after the subsidy.

HHS is so focused on premiums and making this trainwreck look affordable that they are missing the boat on a key component, the benefits. Without knowing the health history of the individual they may in fact be promoting the exact opposite of what the person is looking for: the greatest value for their dollar.

If I am a 27 year old with diabetes, am extremely obese, and suffer from Crohn's disease would I want to purchase a plan with a $5000 deductible and $6350 out of pocket maximum? That is what I will likely get for $83 per month. 

From a financial standpoint: 

Income:  $25,000
Premiums:  $996
OPM:  $6350

Net Income: $17,654

30% of income for insurance and health care costs. This is what HHS considers "affordable".


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