Having difficulty signing up for #Obamacare? You aren't the only one.
“Somebody who’s not waiting in line to enroll is the president of the United States. We learned today from the White House. Initially, they said he signed up for what they called a bronze plan, paying about four hundred dollars a month in premiums. But, then they came back to us and said – ‘Well, wait. He didn’t actually enroll. They said his staff did it and that’s because of his unique circumstance obviously, as commander-in-chief, that his personal information is not in various government databases, so Healthcare.gov could not actually verify his identity, oddly enough. So, he had to do it in person this weekend, so he was signing up for the D.C. exchange, but his staff did it.”
World Net Daily


Signing up by proxy? Isn't that illegal?

You are probably wondering what kind of information is required to apply for coverage?

What was the problem? His Social Security number?
On Sept. 12, 2011, WND reported the Social Security Number being used by Obama did not pass a check with E-Verify, the electronic system the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security created to verify whether or not prospective employees have the required authorization to work legally in the United States.
Makes you wonder doesn't it?

You can be "hired" to run the country but can't pass the E-Verify requirement to work at McDonalds.


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