With Obamacare limping out of the gate in most states there is one good thing. Consumers will have their pick of any number of plans.
In Georgia, for instance, Anthem is selling 2,385 different products
Health Care Payer News

Georgia has 16 regions and in some areas Anthem (BCBSGA) your ON exchange choices are Blue Cross or Blue Cross.

Although rates for many carriers have yet to be approved, word is consumers may find lower rates and better plans OFF the exchange in many areas of the state including those where your only exchange choice is Blue.
Another Blue offering a huge variety of individual products is Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Tennessee, selling 3,834, far more than the three other insurer selling individual HIX policies in the state.
I haven't seen all the plans for TN yet either, but there is a good chance we will see similar pockets of TN where you will be better served buying OFF exchange.

Regardless, we do believe consumers will not only be confused by the number of plans available but will also be overwhelmed by the premiums and especially the high deductibles that must be satisfied (especially on bronze plans) before the carrier pays the first dime.


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